“Everything happens for a reason.”
… except when it doesn’t.
“If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.”
“If fact #1 is true, then fact #1 is true.” This falls under the “you actually just said nothing” category.
“I mean…”
This expression, like “let me think,” is somewhat of a conversation hedge, so we can forgive it. Still, why call attention to the fact that you’re saying what you mean? Do you normally not say what you mean?
… except when it doesn’t.
“If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.”
“If fact #1 is true, then fact #1 is true.” This falls under the “you actually just said nothing” category.
“I mean…”
This expression, like “let me think,” is somewhat of a conversation hedge, so we can forgive it. Still, why call attention to the fact that you’re saying what you mean? Do you normally not say what you mean?